WhatsApp has reportedly begun to introduce a new voice notes layout to a small number of users. According to a report from WABetaInfo, the platform, which is owned by Facebook, has been working on this visual upgrade for some time. Initially, it was available for Android and iOS users, but now with the latest beta update, the company is extending the feature to Desktop users. The report states that WhatsApp Desktop beta testers can now see voice waveforms within chat bubbles. Users who have this feature enabled on their WhatsApp accounts will be able to see voice waveforms for voice notes. However, the report notes that if the feature is not enabled, the voice waveforms may not appear when receiving a voice note from someone else.
It is also worth noting that users will not see the voice waveform design on a voice note if it was recorded using an older version of WhatsApp. The platform initially introduced the new voice notes layout in the WhatsApp beta for Android version, but it was quickly disabled in a subsequent update. Currently, this visual upgrade is only available to select Desktop and web users, but it is expected to be rolled out to more users in future updates.
Furthermore, WhatsApp is said to be working on a feature that will allow users to keep certain disappearing messages in the chat for a longer period of time. A previous report indicated that references to this new feature were found in the beta update for Android. With this feature enabled, users will be able to retain specific messages in the chat even after the designated time limit for disappearing messages has expired.