HTML, CSS, and JavaScript have long been core to web development and user interfaces. HTML is known as a markup language, which helps lay out the structure of a web page. For example, it defines where the header, text, and sidebar should be positioned. CSS is a style sheet language that adds style elements such as fonts, colors, and spacing to web elements. JavaScript is a programming language that enables interactions between web pages and users, such as search bars and form submissions.

As web apps became more complex and dynamic, new tools and libraries emerged to expedite web development and management. One such library is React, which was developed by Facebook engineer Jordan Walke to simplify the management of numerous elements on the Facebook page. In 2013, React was open sourced by Facebook and has since become a highly popular JavaScript library. Consequently, there is high demand for React developers.

Kiran Abburi, founder of Neostack and organizer of React Bangalore, the largest React community in the world with 13,000 members, stated that many companies such as Flipkart, Myntra, and RazorPay have adopted React. These companies frequently approach him seeking React developers for hire, and React developers are also well-compensated.

During a recent Times Techies Webinar, Kiran and Rahul Sawant, lead for frontend development at Antstack, discussed the reasons for React’s popularity. When asked about the skills required to become a React developer, Rahul mentioned that knowing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript makes it easier to learn React. However, companies usually expect applicants to demonstrate their practical experience by showcasing applications they have built using React. Rahul advised students to build small applications using React while in college to enhance their chances of getting hired.

Kiran suggested that students should also work on small open source projects, as some individuals have been hired based on their contributions to such projects. He shared his own experience of starting with React by casually developing a carousel library called React Slick. The library has now garnered 40 million downloads, with an additional half a million to a million downloads each month. Kiran mentioned that he learned a lot from developing this asset and also contributes to others’ libraries.